I posted this, on another forum. Thought, you Lads, might like to see it.......Santa came, a little early, this year.... (Actually. It wasn't Santa. It was Jamie, and he delivers for DPD).
He delivered a big, fragile box.
Here it is. With my 7yr old KS90, on top........

Initially. I thought it was a box of coal briquettes.
Digging down, revealed the engine.......

Out of the box. Out of the polythene bag. It started running, in my hand. Just like that.....

(Ignore, the sound of the tumble drier. In the next room).
After a while. I sat in my chair. Mesmerised. Just watching the engine, running on my lap.
After a short while. "Herself", declared it was coffee time. (My job).
Returning to my chair, some 10mins later. It was
still running on the residual heat. From my bum!

It ran on, for some 20mins more, slowing to 20rpm. But, I wanted me chair back. So, I stopped it.....
Later on, I test ran both engines, on the same heat source.......
It's a little noisy. But easily fixable.
I'm very happy, with that.

(Larry. Asked about the, "easy fix")....
The easy fix, is to set it up correctly/ accurately. By making sure, all the moving components are in correct alignment, with one another.
The wire conrods. Must be accurately formed, at each end.
The big end eye, loop. Must be in line with it's wire, "rod". Which must be straight.
The little end, angle. Must be 90*, to the rod. Also at 90* to the big end eye.
Then a tiny spot of oil. (5w- 30. Full synthetic). On displacer shaft, and all four rod ends. (It's, important little places).
Spot the difference.......
Works for me!