Hi Martin,
Welcome to the collective 
What are you going to do in your shop?
Just basic hobby engineering and TIG welding at home really, I am one of the maintenance Techs at Southampton docks in the container port so I can get some projects done at work in our breaks.
I did have a nice Harison L5 but it got put into storage when we moved house at my uncles farm but some kids set his barn on fire, lathe got wrecked.
My work shop is 2M x 7.5M internally so not that wide, I picked up a nice used Warco Super Major last month.
I have looked at M300's and Bantams/Students but good machines are around 3-4K.
I know it's not a British machine but I have been offered this mint Chester 630 (same as Warco gh750) that came out of a school for £1750.