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Do I NEED another CNC Lathe Project ?

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--- Quote from: awemawson on November 15, 2017, 02:48:30 PM ---In Parliamentary Parlance :

"Can I refer the Honourable Gentleman to the reply I gave earlier"  :lol:

--- End quote ---

One of these days I'm just going to leave it by your gate with a note attached "Please feed (bar stock) and care for"  :D

Pete W.:

--- Quote from: awemawson on November 15, 2017, 02:21:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: Pete W. on November 15, 2017, 12:16:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: seadog on November 15, 2017, 11:48:41 AM ---Please buy it Andrew. The last project one you refurbished was a fascinating read.

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But I asked Andrew where the last one is now and what its new owner is doing with it - Andrew didn't reply!!!

--- End quote ---

I'm sure I replied !

It's on an industrial estate near Shoreham Airport making bits for high end optical telescopes - oh and it paid for a big chunk of the Tractor Shed  :clap:

--- End quote ---


Please forgive me if I missed your reply to my question.  But I do agree with Seadog that your commentary on that restoration was absorbing and educational. 

If I were you friend, I would say "RUN AWAY FROM IT". It reeks trouble of all sorts.

BUT if you buy it, it will make entertaining reading. Netflix documentaries will be distant second.


It's not even a question, you need another CNC lathe for your well being solving all the problems!

Looking forward to the build, there will be one even if it's not the lathe you've found!

Good on you mate, cheers, Matthew

tom osselton:
Well at least you know what your doing mine is on the back burner for a few more days until my Haas tm1p gets delivered on monday from what they say trying to sync up the riggers and tech guy who has to pull off the feet and replace them once inside the garage.

The lathe powered when we got it and seemed ok but now everything passes but stops on a "HOST CONTROL INITIALIZING " with just the fan running.


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