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How To Machine L Shaped Brass Fitting?

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PekkaNF: off material waste does not matter...if you have big enough chunk you can make it even with tree-jaw: saw/chop X-shape, use stubs 90 degrees apart to hold the embryo in chuck and turn/bore thread one end a the time and last saw off the stubs you used to hold the part in lathe -> now you have 90 degree elbow that needs to be kissed with a file to clean off the saw marks, but adapter faces are pretty clean turning job.


mexican jon:
I see no reason why it couldn't all be turned using a 4 jaw  :scratch: Turn "A" first and them "B" as "A" looks to be a BSP type thread the 4 jaw could clamp against the face of "A" leaving the block well clamped to turn the "B" which has a taper sealing face.

Some very good thoughts, thanks for the replies.

Pekka, I'm curious as to how you think this could be done in a 3 jaw. Any pictures or drawings would help.


I can't draw well...would this help?


Thanks, Pekka. I like the idea of the 'stubs' as I need to mount the piece in my rotary table so I can machine the concave radius on one end of the fitting.


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