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By popular? demand - a first engine project

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Crude? naw!  Its a runner, doesn't matter if its rubbing two sticks together or splitting atoms, both make fire. The latter is not possible without knowledge of the first.

There are some who were working metal when Noah was roaming the oceans, others like me, just got off the bus. Taking an idea and getting it to bear fruit is the adventure.

What you have planned next?


Good job Alan.

It isn't as crude as you think. I realize we are all more critical of our own work than others. It is a good job!


It runs.  That puts you in a club more exclusive than you think.  How many other people do you know (outside of forums like this) that make stuff?


--- Quote from: rleete on July 21, 2009, 01:20:30 PM --- How many other people do you know (outside of forums like this) that make stuff?

--- End quote ---

There's a message in there somewhere..... :lol:

chuck foster:
great looking engine, and you should be very proud of it  :clap: :clap:

you started the engine build and you worked on it till it was done.................allot of engines never get finished.

chuck :wave:


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