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Surface grinder restoration and scraping

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Great project Andrew, I have a Herbert milling machine of similar size, they are quite chunky for a small machine. I also have an identical 48" camelback to yours and they are really heavy to pull about - 33kg I think. The other style 48" with just the round holes are about 33% lighter.

What do you need a 18" straight edge for? I have a 24" you could borrow but it is not a dovetail type.

Andrew Wildman:
thanks all for the offers to borrow straight edges or for various bits of cast iron that people have.  I appreciate the thoughts and may take some of you up on the offers, however I think I may have sourced a suitable plate nearby (Lincoln area).  If I get it I will post a video on machining up and scraping the straight edge.

I think I may be developing scrapers elbow!


Please do continue posting about this interesting rebuild. Also if you don't mind please take some shots of the tooling you have made. How I wish I had such a large surface plate!


Andrew Wildman:
hi stvy,
I will probably focus on some of the tooling as part of some of the future videos.  There are plenty of widgets required to check alignment.  I am hoping that I can do most of them by re using the same parts.  If you search 'kingway' tool you can see some lengths people go to create tooling to achieve correct alignment.  While people enjoy making these tools, often they are more fancy than they need to be to do the basic job.  I just want to get the thing grinding true! :ddb: :ddb:

Re scrapers elbow; :coffee:  I have pondered on whether a standard off the shelf oscillating grinder can be adapted to scrape with the plane blade and some hard steel welded onto the end. I realize this may be a little hard on the work piece but it possibly would take care of any large amounts that need whittling down. Any ideas?  :lol:


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