The Shop > CNC

Cetus3D 3D Printer

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Then it was a case of churning them out, night and day. I even set a camera on them so I could monitor them printing remotely !

Because of the increased width I 'only' needed twelve, but in the event I actually printed fourteen as two didn't clean up as well as I wanted.

4 hours and 41 minutes each  :bugeye:

End result however is that two previously useless (to me) racks are now very handy, and for a very modest cost compared to buying the real things.

How many do you print in one sitting?

Once I get my wardrobe slider things right, I'll go for printing all 7 (the first one that's right, I won't need to re-print of course  :smart:) in one go - it's a 7 hour print right now, because of the height I think, for minimal overhangs, I've got them printing vertically. Not sure how much each extra item will add, but I'm hoping it's rather less than 7 hours...

Just the one at a time Ade. Two might just about squeeze in but the print time wouldn't be much less.

Crumbs - how big ARE they? It looks like you should easily be able to get 4 or even 6 on the bed at once... unless my sense of scale is completely out of kilter?

100 mm x 70 mm by about 65 tall

For scale the hole in the middle is 42 mm (To take a VDI 40 spigot)

The Cetus 3D table build size is 180 mm x 180 mm


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