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new workshop - insulation advice needed

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If it is attached to the house building regs will most likely require an inner lining of plasterboard over the OSB for fire retarding.
The outside wall needs a vapour barrier on the inside of the insulation behind the plasterboard. If you want a gap between the insulation and the wall blocks it will probably be pointless unless it is vented to the outside otherwise moisture will just move between the wall and the vapour barrier between night and day as the temperature profile shifts. For a spacer use 'corex' the plastic equivalent of corrugated cardboard cut into squares or strips and tacked to the wall. The holes though it allow air circulation
The wall against the house may not need insulation unless it is a cavity wall which will act like a heat chimney up to the roofline. If it is not a cavity wall it should not have a vapour barrier because moisture will be trying to escape from the house more than from the workshop.
EPS is up to 20% better than good fibreglass insulation. An 11 in cavity wall is equivalent to 1in of EPS.

Pete W.:
Hi there, Bee,

Is 'corex' the stuff that estate agents (UK terminology) use for their 'For Sale' or 'Sold' signs? 

Yes, and coming soon to a street near you some political signs. Another possible source if you can find it is they sometimes use it for wrapping large cable drums eg for phone or tv cable though you have to flatten it out again on a hot day.

We have now moved in but I'm nowhere doing the walls/ceiling because I am stuck on the floor :scratch: !!

On closer inspection of the floor, which is 3 poured slabs done at separate times is not level ( I should say is of many multiple levels) and of poor finish. I would like to get professional help to re-screed and re-level the floor with something like setcrete. I don't think its diy because its over 16 Metres long and to get such a large area (48.6 square metres) level with one pour is quite frankly tricky. I suspect a laser level would have to be used and several people mixing and tamping to get it decent.

Does anyone know the trade name that this would come under ?. Floor fitters are mainly carpenters, plasterers don't do floors etc. Its not easy finding someone without having a job name  :drool:

Best Regards


How about a builder?


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