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Interesting hand shaper

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Shipto - not sure what it was to be honest - it was my grandads and he had some theory it was and ex-military machine but I never looked at it that closely. It was a pretty heavy casting for its size. Perhaps Jon will find some markings or something when he gets it cleaned up.

I remember using it with grandad - you need to change arms every now and then or its knackering. Thinking about it, I was being used for cheap labour!


--- Quote from: edward on March 17, 2017, 05:28:25 AM ---
I remember using it with grandad - you need to change arms every now and then or its knackering. Thinking about it, I was being used for cheap labour!

--- End quote ---
:lol: :lol: :lol: I guess it was that or rig a motor to it so he went for cheapest option, couple of sweets or all that electric sounds obvious to me  :lol: :lol: :lol:


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