The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Summer on it's way

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you have to be joking  :bugeye: even our worst winter won't get worse than -4C at dawn and 11 c by 8am. I feel for you guys  how can you live like that. I thought global warming stopped all that :lol:


--- Quote from: Brass_Machine on March 14, 2017, 04:07:07 PM ---Summer on it's way??

--- End quote ---

LOL... I was thinking the same thing as I'm sitting here listen to the wind howl outside, having recently been out there and glanced at the thermometer reading -15°C (5°F).  Hasn't been too bad this winter.  Nothing like recent years where I actually saw -29°C (-20°F) on our thermometer one morning!

I'm farther north than the recent blizzard though, so we have barely any snow.

tom osselton:
Snow is melting here in Calgary its almost gone where the sun hits it just the shady parts to go!

I got myself the Kelly Stove conversion for the Kelly Kettle.  This was breakfast being cooked after boiling the kettle for a coffee and a flask of hot water.

I am suitably impressed by the conversion, if you're familiar with a K.K as soon as you lift off the kettle the fire is blown all over the place or to smouldering embers.  This does a good job of keeping it all alight without getting buffeted by the wind.   If you're a closet Ray Mears, this is a toy for you, and it all packs into the kettle base.


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