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De-lurk, or, the coming out of Bluechip

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Dave the Maplin ones are/where fine, no-one could understand why they where so cheap. Not top end, but ok.

I'll have to do a thread on my amps, they are nothing special to look at but sound sublime.


--- Quote from: Bluechip on May 17, 2009, 04:45:52 PM --- And the Glen Morangie !!. One lot says try to avoid alcohol, makes no mention of succeeding.  :D

--- End quote ---

I'm happy to support your point of view BC :thumbup: ............. in fact I'll raise a glass to it  :beer:

Yup, we did natter about 9x20 belts, in the end Ralph n' I got a few from the States, courtesy of Eric (Brass_Machine)  :bow: ........... however I've now moved on to a Boxford ............. and believe it or not that needs a bloomin' new belt  :bang:  Ces't la vie  ................ etc ...........  :scratch:

Nice to see you on here, likewise my Biking days are now behind me ..... 4x4 beckons though



Maplin list the trannies, but out of stock. Might just have a dabble if they get some more.
Was very suspicious of them, like you say your post, I saw them well over £100 a pop, still at £25, why not?


Belt Rot must be catching. My S7 had one on it's last legs when I got it. That's why I used Bluechip when I registered on HMEM. Just replaced it that day and was treated to smokin' hot blue/brown swarf  for the first time on the machine. Before I didn't dare tension the belt in case it broke. Absolutely knackered.

Thats it for today. Glen M. taking effect. bye

Dave, there is nothing special about output transformers, it's all about quantity of sales V pricing.

They are just as easy to wind as any other transformer. You can do it on the lathe, my mate used to but I only ever tried winding chokes cos that's easier.... :med:


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