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Four Bar Linkage Design Help

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My immediate thought is mountain bike suspension.

I'm sure there used to be an online simulator, but my googlefu is failing.
Only thing I've found is which is downloadable software. It's £20 for a personal license, but it looks like you do get a limited functionality demo mode. Might be worth a try.

tom osselton:
You might try this.


--- Quote from: tom osselton on March 10, 2017, 04:47:47 PM ---You might try this.

--- End quote ---

Very cool.  I'm going to take a look at that.  I'm very impressed by the documentation, given that it's a free program.

I have a working solution, which I'm planning to post here later when I can put together some screen shots.  However, there are some things I'm not completely satisfied with yet and this suggestion may help me to work out those kinks.


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