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An Educated Nut for Warco WM40 (with a Bridgeport type quill)

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John, that seems a very complex part - the original is very simple and once fitted I certainly wouldn't be without one. They only comprise three parts - the body, the button, and a spring. The button has an oval hole in it with threads only on one side of the oval. The spring presses this partial thread into engagement with the threaded rod, and depressing the button disengages the thread - very simple.

John Stevenson:
It's not that complex Andrew given that it can be churned out easily on a CNC.
I wanted something that could lock in any position given that it has threads inside it for adjustment. Chances are you will often finish up with the knob at the back and you still have to use the locking ring for absolute security.

This one doesn't require a locking ring at all.

The 'button round the back' isn't an issue in use. You slide the nut to close to where you want it, then rotate it to the precise position you need. If the button ends up round the back it matters not a jot, as next time you need to press it all you have to do is turn the nut quarter of a turn, it really is that simple!

As for a 'locking nut' you have me puzzled. Mine has no locking nut. The spring pressure pressing the button thread onto the threaded rod is quite adequate to safely keep it in place once set. I've never been conscious of mine moving spontaneously  in the many years I've had it.  :scratch:

Andrew, thanks for clarifying the lack of locking ring.
The thickness of the two items becomes an issue only in the restriction of the total amount of available quill down feed.

For the plunger section I have projected a diameter of 15mm-16mm, as it must enclose the main vertical rod. Obviously this could not be contained within the height of the existing nut which is 12.60mm, with a locking nut of just over 8.00mm. Combining those two items gives a depth of 20mm to play with, (to keep the same amount of total quill travel).

Although I have a written description of the requirements (thanks again, Andrew), I wonder if anyone has ever seen a drawing with actual dimensions thereon?


Here you go Pete - a picture with some measurements


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