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Good tool museum in France

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--- Quote from: smiffy on January 18, 2017, 04:14:28 AM ---For anyone visiting the south west of France
The bell museum also has a large display of turret clocks and bell turning and tuning lathes is more of a museum of country life but has a working trip hammer and forge
Both are well worth a visit       Mike

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That looks interesting! maybe I'll remember next time I'm down that way! Road trip planned for 2023 ( a friend and I have done a motorcycle road trip from Paris to the SW of France every eleven years since 1990 every eleven years, it was going to be every ten, but my mate had to work at the time of the second trip so we pushed it back a year!)

Regards, Matthew


--- Quote from: micktoon on January 18, 2017, 04:21:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: mattinker on January 17, 2017, 09:09:37 PM ---Mick,

What sort of museums were you thinking about. I've never heard of that particular museum. I looked it up on the web, pretty difficult site, it's equally difficult in French! I know quite a lot of Parisian museums, mostly about History, painting and sculpture.

Regards, Matthew

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Hi Matthew,  I was not planning on going myself, I have seen fantastic photos of their tool displays on Instagram and thought others on the forum may have been interested in visiting if passing. I was dissapointed in the website to be honest. There are logos at the top of the page for instagram and Facebook,  I did not try clicking them but they should lead to the better photos I think?
  I think it might have been Paris where Rob visited a good museum and posted photos a while back.
  Cheers Mick

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I must have missed that post, can't remember it!

Regards, Matthew


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