The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Swarf Brushes

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I have a filter in my Vacuum!  :thumbup:

If that vac is not a "wet and dry" with the motor outside but just a regular household one make sure the bag is well filled with wood shavings and general dog hairs first to act as a pre-filter for the bag and motor cooling air. :thumbup:

Shop vac is what I use too, during and after. I have a twin-motor numatic I got off eBay for £50, does wet and dry.

I get plenty of brushes from work they by pant brushes use them ones then bin them I just fetch them home and clean them 

Mostly, I use throw away sample pot paint brushes got em free from local paint shop. But always clean up before leaving the playpen for the day with my $50 el-cheapo vac. Sadly, after 5 years or so I can smell hot wire insulation each time I use it now, just waiting for the blue magic smoke to appear.
  Incidentally, I made a small cyclonic separator in line and it works fine. Bag in vac gets very little stuff unless I have turned plastic. That seems to float in the air stream rather well - light mass, high surface area I guess.
John B


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