The Shop > Software Tools
Fusion 360
Somewhere on't'net I got the idea that Fusion 360 (from Autodesk) is free to hobbyists!
Can anyone confirm this as i am sure I can't afford the monthly rental!
It's free Will.
You have to do the 30 days trial first, then you'll have the option to select which version/payment you want. For a company or individual making less then $100,000, it can be free. The free version is the same as the Ultimate or top level version.
All true, but you do need a 4bit machine and alas I have 32bit on both my desk and laptop PCs.
In fact nearly, if not all software now seems to need 64bit and not backward compatible. I cannot accept files from those in my model engineering club using newer software as they cannot save back to the Chalk and Slate versions. :( :scratch:
Of course, as with most things, spending more money would cure that problem. But like most of us I guess, those pesky $$ are not growing on the tree in our back yard. Not in mine anyway. :bang:
John B
I have the free version of Fusion 360 and, as far as I know, have completed the registration process. I cannot find a way to print 2D drawings. There has been considerable discussion on the help forums about this with no solution last time I looked. Can anyone on here print 2D drawings with the free version?
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