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New Tractor Shed

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     You're putting the shutter in the gable end, aren't you.

Oh yes.

Weather forecast OK for tomorrow so I may be able to make a start clearing the site. I've stacked a whole load of 6" twin wall 6 metre pipes down the side of the tank - need to find somewhere else to hide them before that Hawthorn tree is felled and crushes them.

Ok Andrew fess up ,is the new building really for tractors ,or for more machines ,

Will this "tractor shed"benefit the pigs in any way??

I do hope so!

No chaps, despite your suspicions, it is genuinely for storing tractors, jcb's, flail mowers and the like. I have a farm yard of this sort of stuff that sits out in all weathers slowly dissolving

The idea is that anything that goes in there will be on wheels or easily moveable so it can be cleared out completely with ease, as it'll make a grand venue for a barn dance !

As for the pigs Will, I'm sure that they'll appreciate a nice clean dry stock trailer when the need arises for them to travel  :clap:


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