The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Titivating A CNC Plasma Table

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And so another saga is unfolding, looking forward to reading of your trials and tribulatations on the way, and your triumph and the end of it all when another piece of equipment is resurrected Andrew. i always enjoy your projects.  :clap: :clap:


Pete W.:

--- Quote from: millwright on November 17, 2016, 02:03:42 PM ---And so another saga is unfolding, looking forward to reading of your trials and tribulatations on the way, and your triumph and the end of it all when another piece of equipment is resurrected Andrew. i always enjoy your projects.  :clap: :clap:


--- End quote ---

I agree.    :bugeye:   :jaw:   :bugeye:   :jaw:   :bugeye:   :jaw:  :mmr:   

Kind words, and much appreciated chaps  :thumbup:

Holy cow Andrew; do you ever sleep?  Watching what you get accomplished in one day tires me out.  I need some of whatever vitamins (or drugs) you take.  I don't care if they're legal or not! :)

Seriously, thanks for posting your work in so much detail.  It's very inspiring to watch you do all of these amazing projects. :beer:

Nothing physical on the Plasma Table today - resting up after quite a hike yesterday round Virginia Water / Windsor Great Park with the dogs and an extended pleasant lunch with my son and his fiancee preceded and followed by rather too long on the M25 !

However cogitation time ... I wanted to look at limit switches ... this table has switches on all three axis, however they are not wired in, and one is physically broken (he hit it with his fork lift he told me)  :scratch:

Now I want active limit switches, but I hate the way these have been mounted - they are the normal roller type but are effectively being used as 'long stops' - if an axis does over travel it will squash the limit switch and break it. In my book there should be a physical / mechanical stop at the end of axis travel - possibly with a buffer of some sort, but this should be preceded by a limit switch THAT CAN BE PASSED so a bar or ramp or what ever operates the switch in such a way that the roller ISN'T a physical stop. Re-engineering this is not going to be easy as it isn't how he designed it, and will probably involve a few bits bolted on to change the way the switches are triggered. (Space is tight on the Z carriage and gantry.)

First step was to locate a replacement for the IMI IMP switch that was broken, and fortunately it's an RS Components stock item so one should be here on Monday.


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