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The next must have for the workshop

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To me water jet cutter would be far more interesting than any 3D printer. Real water jet cutters are expensive to buy and own. Cheaper alternative would be very nice.

3D printer I might get if there is one on that produces lost wax type patterns for investment casting. Total cost should be  reasonably low.


And here you can buy it. =)


--- Quote from: PekkaNF on September 19, 2016, 08:18:00 AM ---3D printer I might get if there is one on that produces lost wax type patterns for investment casting. Total cost should be  reasonably low.

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All the SLA printers will do that.

interesting.  the waterjet at the works has a 10kW motor and a 3800bar pump it'll cut 4" steel but is not the quickest thing you'll ever see. I wonder just how useful this little thing really is????


--- Quote from: awemawson on September 19, 2016, 06:59:08 AM ---On another forum it was reckoned it used masses of abrasive so would be cheaper to farm jobs out  :(

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Aren't the abrasives re-usable? [to some extent?]


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