The Breakroom > The Bookshelf
The Giant Book Of Metalworking Projects
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Just ordered a copy, which will find its way around the world for only 8€, just for me! :)

I could not explain why I did, though. Can't say no to MORE PROJECTS, right?

No I don't think MORE PROJECTS is the problem, book collecting can be as enjoyable as building a project in the workshop and more addictive, There in lies the problem.  :)  :)

There is much to learn from the old books. E.g .I bought a paper copy of Advanced Machine  Work and lo and behold there are a lot of drawings showing how to set up a Cincinnati Universal Cutter grinder (circa 1890's-1930's) for various tasks. Much better than the advertising circular I was using up till now. Book learning enables so many things :-)

--- Quote from: inthesticks on August 28, 2016, 06:21:04 PM ---No I don't think MORE PROJECTS is the problem, book collecting can be as enjoyable as building a project in the workshop and more addictive, There in lies the problem.  :)  :)


--- End quote ---

Aye is it  :Doh:

Good to hear you are finding Advanced Machine Work to be a handy reference source Gerritv  , if you have a Cincinnati Universal Cutter grinder you may want to look out for this book .


Rob, that book is printed on unobtanium :-) Been looking for a while now.
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