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Mini Lathe Carriage Stop - my first project!

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Hi Guys

Well I finally decided to take on my first project which really was a huge learning curve. This was all done on the mini lathe with some gentle milling carried out with the job clamped up in the toolpost for the V cut for the prismatic ways. I think I was more pleased in how I learned that projects can be salvaged from any material and any shape of scrap.... previously I would have tried to purchase the starting materials in sizes similar to what was needed. I have made some mistakes during the project - primarily due to "not having the right tool for the job" and having to make do. This really was a milling exercise - so facing up the sides of the blocks with only a 3 jaw chuck on the lathe was not ideal and could have been done more accurately if milled however would be keen to learn how it can be done accuratey on the lathe.
It took me a ridiculous amount of time - I bet 4-5 hours of work and I`m sure many of you could knock one of these out within the hour. The original plans were by Ralph Patterson and can be found with a google. The screw which is the stopper coming out of the side does not need the brass collar and neither does it need the square end cap - but I wanted to practice a little more lathe work. I spent quite a while polishing up the top part as an exercise, lapping and then buffing. As a working tool, once I had polished the top part I decided not to waste quite as much time polishing the bottom. It works and fits the lathe perfectly and so this project has given me much more confidence. I wanted to say thanks to you all, I do ask a lot of questions but I do listen to your advice.

This is the starting material - a block of ally from salvage - haven`t a clue what it was.

Nice job. I bet the satisfaction level was quite high?


Nice one Chris

  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Its always hard to dip the first toe in the water.

Have Fun


Satisfaction level was immense!  :ddb: :ddb: :ddb: :ddb: Cheers guys.

Now you are getting there Chris.

Just get in there, use your imagination and do it. If it fails, so what, we all fail sometimes.

You can ask all the questions in the world, but until you get the confidence to try it off your own back, you won't progress any further.

That is a great first project result, and I am sure it will come in super handy.

Well done, first hurdle over, now onto the next one.



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