I've just completed the install. I have a bad (weak) stepper on my Z

I am very impressed by the controller, once I deciphered the VFD manual I now have full speed control from the controller via the 0-10v output and spindle on/off - M3/M5. The controller has plenty of options for altering settings related to its operation, you really need to read through the pdf manual a few times to take in all the settings. Extremely easy to program and navigate, you can tab through the settings using the X+ key. For setting the spindle options I was hopping between the home screen, config and 5 tabs to spindle settings. Still lots to learn.

Compared to a PC and software, not really much to compare, this thing boots in about 10 seconds from cold and is ready to run whatever you have stored on the flash drive. I really like the option to set soft limits for a machine, no messing with limit switches (you accept the risk though if it looses steps)
My double co-ordinates are machine setting in small, and everything else. You can scroll through the G54-59 to Mach (Machine) and zero in my case everything is zero'd in the centre of the router bed.
To sum up, it took me weeks to setup Linuxcnc when it was EMC2, this has been done in just a few hours. I will be getting another to do a future mill install. Even my cheap stepper drivers have been fine so far and they should be good for NEMA23 3.1nm sized motors.

says it all really, talk about it in a few months.

OK, behind the panel is not that bad. Editing the g-code on a tablet in a text editor is also a breeze, so those simple changes can be done at the machine very quickly.