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Please School Me on Magnetometers

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Hi John,

What on earth are "a Cat and Genny"

BTW: The detector used in the club survey could detect water in plastic pipes!


--- Quote from: Will_D on July 21, 2016, 04:55:22 PM ---Hi John,

What on earth are "a Cat and Genny"

BTW: The detector used in the club survey could detect water in plastic pipes!

--- End quote ---

Not so much as what on earth as what's in the earth!

CAT = cable avoidance tool - standard device to sweep a site before excavating to look for live power cables (detect 50/60Hz radiated signal). For pipe-hunting, if its metallic, you can couple a generator ("genny") with one wire to the pipe & one to an earth rod, this puts perhaps 33kHz signal on the pipe. Some gennys have an induction coil in the base of the housing and can induce a modest signal by just sitting on top of the pipe. If you're trying to differentiate between power cables, you can also get kits to live-couple to a 13A socket or similar to inject direct into a live cable.  For drains, there are sondes which are effectively a small self-contained transmitter/antenna which you can push up a drain using drain rods.

Years ago I had a similar problem with a water pipe running to an isolated garage and house, about a mile of pipe. After a few ideas did not work I managed to persuade a mate of mine that worked for the local council to help. He turned up with a radio-active tube on a string and a radiation detector, this worked well, not sure if allowed now. I've had good results with dowsing rods- couple bits of bent wire.

wgw, I have made the rods work as well.

Just a thought - although this thread seems to be quite old....

It should be quite easy to adjust the sensitivity just by adding iron around the sensor.


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