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CNC Mill - Finally!

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Well, I am stuck for a bit. Started to do some work and the motor has just about killed itself. I have ordered a treadmill motor to replace the current stock mill motor.

I know I am going to have to make a pulley (or bore the current one out) so it works with my belt drive. And thus, I need to fix the lathe as well. I had started to make tapered gibs for it and need to finish before I really use it for anything else. I also have an extended slide for it and a RealBull 4" spindle.

So, I may have to start another thread for the lathe before I can make any progress on the mill.


This is an excellent argument for having two of EVERYTHING Eric as you always can use one to fix the other  :lol:

(or at least that's what I tell the wife)


--- Quote from: awemawson on June 22, 2016, 03:58:58 PM ---This is an excellent argument for having two of EVERYTHING Eric as you always can use one to fix the other  :lol:

(or at least that's what I tell the wife)

--- End quote ---

I agree whole heatedly!


--- Quote from: awemawson on June 22, 2016, 03:58:58 PM ---This is an excellent argument for having two of EVERYTHING Eric as you always can use one to fix the other  :lol:

(or at least that's what I tell the wife)

--- End quote ---

do you mean there are two Mrs Andrew Mawsons ?

tom osselton:
I hope one of them isn't the legendary evil twin!   :)


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