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Following 'Bogstandard'!

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Since I posted to a thread, figure an intro is in order. Retired military with no prior machining experience. Main interest is in model steam engines. Started with a couple of simple 'wobblers' (a-la Mamod), then machined several casting kits (a Stuart S50 and a PM Research 1BI) using a Taig lathe. In between, assembled a couple of kits from Graham Industries. On a steep learning curve but so far, conversion of good steel and brass into filings has not been in vain - all have been runners, at least on air! (We won't get into discussion of the time taken, though! :bang:)

First ran across Bogstandard when he was completing his instructional engine build on the Paddleducks forum. So impressed with his efforts that I compiled all his posts - and any pertinent comments - into a series of PDF files for uploading to the PD fourm. Pleased to see that other folk are taking advantage of them. (Although I must confess, John, that I haven't got up the courage to tackle the build myself.)

Got the steer to this forum by the owner of the engine that 'Bogstandard' is currently restoring. The owner caught sight of one of my videos on YouTube and thought I  :scratch: might be able to give him some tips as he assembled a GI kit. When I in turn commented on the steam launch in one of his videos, he told me the story of the restoration. Small world, indeed! But if I'd known he had access to John's knowledge, I would have headed for the exit! :coffee:

Given my marginal skill and knowledge level, information flow likely to be minimal but will be an interested observer, nonetheless.

Cheers,  Floyd

Hi Floyd,

Welcome to the collective  :borg: John is a great person to follow.

Skill and knowledge are not required to give opinions, encouragement and ideas. So, feel free to post as well as absorbing info. 

How about some pictures of the steamers you have built?



Thanks for the welcome. Does that mean that resistance is futile?  :wave:

Will put together a still-image collage of my modest efforts. However, have videos on YouTube under TFL1945, with apologies in advance for the videography (more than one learning curve in play here!).




You must excuse me for not recognising you.  :doh:

You are my hero.

You disappeared from view just after you finished compiling the book, and my having a bit of bad health since then, things get pushed into the background and forgotten about. But I did keep mentioning a person called Floyd, whenever someone said that they enjoyed the 'book'.

You can now take full credit for compiling the 'book', and gratitude from the many thousands of people who must have read and enjoyed it by now. Without your doing, it would have sat on the shelves of Paddleducks forum, just gathering dust. It was you who transformed it into a mobile reference work, and has been read all over the world.
Maybe we should have put it into print and made ourselves a bit of pocket money.

But on the other hand, giving enjoyment is worth a lot more than cash in the pocket.

I am sure you will get a very good heros' welcome, plus experience holds no weight here, it is the trying and taking part that score brownie points. From little snippits or comments to full blown articles, the members appreciate every bit of it.

You'll do.


Welcome Aboard Floyd

And a big thank you for putting together the paddleducks book I've read it from cover to cover.

This is a fun place to be so please join in with the questions and answers and the leg pulling

Have fun  :lol:



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