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Homebrew engraver to 3D printer Mod

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I wish I could help Bill... I have gotten to the point of where I am going to pull the SKR board with Marlin and go with a Duet 2 board instead. Marlin frustrates the crap out of me.

Frustrating yes.

I'm torn between muddling on with the current setup and making a completely new machine or buying a saturn resin printer when /If they become available.

I don't use the thing often but it is bloody handy to have a 3d printer And I still want to make a better version of the Tower engine.

Why is it failing to touch down?

Is it starting too high, then slowly lowering but never making it to the bed.... or is it just not lowering at all? (the Z-height, I mean, not the probe, which you say does deploy).

If it's the first one, there are some variables in the EEPROM which control the start height & max drop when executing a probe command; my thinking is, it must be one of those which needs tweaking.

It's already touched off to find Z=0 . It moves to the first position, lower/left, at about 15mm above the bed lowers slowly at first touch speed, but doesn't seem to quite go far enough to get the sensor to flip up .

I'm sure all the hardware is ok as I had this auto-levelling sequence working in 1.1.19 just fine (and it touches to home ok ) 

As you say there must be a separate  set of param's for the levelling but buggered if i can find them...

Oh and another thing , I get an annoying glitching of the display (reprap full graphic) that didn't happen under earlier version of U8glib  - how do I choose which version of the driver is used ?


--- Quote from: BillTodd on December 07, 2020, 10:07:37 AM ---It's already touched off to find Z=0 . It moves to the first position, lower/left, at about 15mm above the bed lowers slowly at first touch speed, but doesn't seem to quite go far enough to get the sensor to flip up .

I'm sure all the hardware is ok as I had this auto-levelling sequence working in 1.1.19 just fine (and it touches to home ok ) 

As you say there must be a separate  set of param's for the levelling but buggered if i can find them...

--- End quote ---

I've bought, but not yet installed, a BL Touch for my Ender 3. So far, all I've found is the probe offset stuff... which sounds like it's right for you. I'll keep looking -- the probe looks like it works differently on 3d printers compared to my CNC3018, which has all the probe parameters sent as G-code.


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