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Homebrew engraver to 3D printer Mod

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50mm/s would be my idea of max speed.  On small stuff your machine should be running a lot slower than that (controlled by the software) otherwise you start to see poor results.

The speed is very much dependant on the mass you are moving and how accurately you can accelerate and decelerate it.  Any vibration will be ripple and blobs on your model.

Yeah, swop over to belts for X and Y unless you can get 3000rpm out of your stepper motors !!!


--- Quote from: Joules on January 31, 2016, 04:36:31 AM ---
Yeah, swop over to belts for X and Y unless you can get 3000rpm out of your stepper motors !!!

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OK, so this is more of a party trick than a practical application.
In days of yore stepper and servo drives were expensive things, so I spent a couple of years learning how to build them. It turns out, as in all things, there are compromises to be made in tuning simple motor drives.
Here's one I tuned for max RPM.

Wow PK, you even have rpm to spare for those rapids between print.  That should loosen up the PTFE leadscrew nuts !!!

LOL  17khz stepping per axis, so I just need to over clock my LinuxCnc box, a bit


--- Quote from: PK on January 31, 2016, 07:36:10 PM ---
OK, so this is more of a party trick than a practical application.
In days of yore stepper and servo drives were expensive things, so I spent a couple of years learning how to build them. It turns out, as in all things, there are compromises to be made in tuning simple motor drives.

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Ah-ha ! old school stepper driver (high voltage and tuned !) .


--- Quote from: BillTodd on February 01, 2016, 03:03:59 PM ---Ah-ha ! old school stepper driver (high voltage and tuned !) .

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Not so high actually, an L298 can only handle 46V, I was probably running that around 32V.
Most of the 'trick' is in driving it with a very precise (low jitter) square wave. In this case an $2500 Agilent function generator.

Like I said though, not really relevant in the modern age. Drives now do step morphing, anti resonance dithering and have so much protection it takes skill to let the smoke out. 
Still, I learned a lot about power electronics over that period....


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