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Bit of a ballsup

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--- Quote from: Pete. on December 29, 2015, 06:26:08 PM ---What happened? did it turn in the vice whist you were trying to bore a hole through it?

Huge pictue resized - 800x600 is much better

--- End quote ---
You are pretty well spot on. I was following the G H Thomas words and music for ball handles and the workpiece moved whilst being faced off preparatory to drilling and tapping; if I had not hit the clutch so promptly I think I would have decorated the ball all round.
I should add a correction: the handle was actually intended for GHT's pillar tool. When I built the Quorn I used the form tool method recommended by the designer but then moved on to using a generating tool.
Thanks for the picture tip which I will try next time. Do you happen to know how to turn off the animated smileys?


--- Quote from: ega on December 30, 2015, 07:57:54 AM ---Do you happen to know how to turn off the animated smileys?

--- End quote ---

When you make a reply, click on attachments and other options and put a tick in the 'don't use smilies' checkbox.

That is kinda neat, now if You had just wanted it................

Thanks for the tip. Checking the "Don't use smileys" box doesn't remove them from the screen for me but I have just done the obvious thing and scrolled down so I no longer have to look at them.

They are like newspaper adverts. Pretty soon you won't notice they are there.


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