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Hello all.  I am Karl.  I teach High School Science, the easy stuff like Physics and Chemistry.  To keep my brain working, I research alternative energy.  I have found quite a few patents that I would like to make working models of, so I am putting together a machine shop.  Being a teacher, I am pretty poor.  Most of my tooling comes from Harbor Freight.  I started with a 5980 Machine tool and found out why you do not want to hold an end mill in a Drill chuck :bang:.  It missed me when the Drill chuck came loose from the arbor and went bouncing and twirling down to the ground.  I now have a full set of end mill holders and had a 3/4 inch holder ground down to MT2 so that I can use big stuff and take very small cuts.  I now have the micro mill and micro lathe.  I want to set the mill up as a CNC machine and got the lathe so that I can make threads.  I have a set of lathe tool holders that I love - they use the TNMG inserts.  I now subscribe to HSM, Machinists Workshop and Digital Machinst.  My metal shop will be in the garage as soon as I can get it cleaned out - everything is good and buried at the moment.  Same goes for the Wood shop in an old chicken coop out back.  Good thing summer is just about here and school is just about over.


Divided he ad:
Hi Karl  :wave:

Welcome to the collective :borg:

I'm going to use some of these  :beer: types of things here... If for no other reason than it's funny to see them all bouncing around on the screen!!  :D

Well.... Where do we start, Maybe  :mmr: followed by I'm sure from your intro that your going to have to go see the school nurse.... I'm afraid you have  :proj:  3 subscriptions.... You got it bad!!  :lol:

"Ok... That's enough of that"  I hear everyone Globe over moaning!!  ::)

Take your time, have a good look around, feel free to join in..... Ask questions freely (try a "search" of the site first though  :thumbup: ) and don't be afraid to enjoy yourself... I know we (the collective  :borg: ) do  :ddb:

Chuck and cutters  :doh: Sounds like a lucky lesson learned!!  :bugeye:  Glad your going the safer route now   :thumbup:

Also post pictures of anything you make/use to make stuff etc in the appropriate section when your ready  :coffee:

See you around the site  :)


P.S.  Did I mention I like smileys  :scratch:   


Ok now that you've been welcomed by the class clown. :lol:  :lol: That's our Ralph. He's got to have one of the best sense of humor around here. Don't mind him. But do look at some of his projects. He loves to make things bright and shiny.  :D (sorry Ralph, I couldn't help myself)

Now I can give you the official welcome.

Welcome to the collective.  :borg: Ralph has pretty much hit all the high spots.

When you do finally get to a project we require lots of pictures and you will be reminded by this sign,  :worthless:

But best of all have fun while your here, don't be afraid to ask questions or give advice because somebody might just pick up on a new technique.

I'm sure once you've surfed all through this forum you will have a bad case of  :proj:

So welcome aboard and remember  :mmr: and no subject is  :offtopic: if you start the thread.


Divided he ad:

--- Quote ---Ok now that you've been welcomed by the class clown.  :lol:  :lol:   That's our Ralph. He's got to have one of the best sense of humor around here. Don't mind him. But do look at some of his projects. He loves to make things bright and shiny.  :D    (sorry Ralph, I couldn't help myself)
--- End quote ---

Fair do's.... I've got some of the above traits.... I really do like shiny!!  :lol:

Do you think I should change my signature to a warning?  :lol:

Ralph.  :ddb:


--- Quote from: Divided he ad on April 28, 2009, 08:04:25 PM ---...

Do you think I should change my signature to a warning?  :lol:

--- End quote ---

Look under your name  :lol:



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