The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Totally inspired - thanks John and Stew

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Well after only 2 weeks on this forum, I was invited (/invited myself) to Bogs house who totally inspired me today with his outstanding knowledge, excellent skill and fantastic workshop. Stew also dropped by and together they really did enthuse me to pursue this hobby further. I took my lathe and John had a look at it and began a few jobs. I had to go a little earlier than was expected and so I left it with him (although as I emphasized to John, that wasn`t my initial intention - I didn`t mean to burden him with more work). He had started stripping it down when I left and was working on the cross slide which had a little play in it. We also discussed how the lathe can be tuned further and how a digital caliper could be mounted to more accurately move the compound and cross slide - a job I am going to try when I get it back. John also mentioned that he may have time to do a little more fine tuning and possibly a handle for turning the lead screw for low gear hand turn screw cutting - something I really want to learn.

So thanks again John and Stew ... hopefully I will be here a while longer. It did make me realise the costs involved in acquiring a good workshop and tooling  :doh:     Still, Johns workshop was something to aspire to along with his skill. Oh and thanks for keeping the terminology simple ... I certainly left with a better understanding of some of the basics....



One of the best things anyone can do is visit the Bog emporium..... :thumbup:


--- Quote from: Darren on April 28, 2009, 04:45:32 PM ---Ha....

One of the best things anyone can do is visit the Bog emporium..... :thumbup:

--- End quote ---

I call it "John's little shop of magic".



John Hill:
Bogs, please stand by for a call from your customs agent, there are a few crates coming your way, nothing major just a bit of fettling and tuning here and there! :beer:

Thank you gents for the fine compliments.

As I keep saying, as long as people take us as they find my family and myself (and I only put my teeth in for royalty, or if you have brought me a massive steak as a gift), then anyone can visit and be made welcome. But it does sometimes get a little crowded.

Stew and myself did lay the law down a little, and brought Chris down to earth with a bump. There is no easy way or free lunch when it comes to learning, it has to be worked at, and that takes time.
We showed him the difference between milling on the lathe, and on a dedicated mill, and it got the point across right away. If you want to do it on the lathe, it has to be done the correct way, no lashups or shortcuts.

Chris's lathe is nothing like Darren's one was (very poorly), just a little tweaking here and there and it will be just fine. If I get time and feel up to it, I might get a bit of modifying done. But jobs on the go have to take priority at this moment in time.

So maybe another convert shown the correct direction to go in. I just hope we did our best in the short time we had.


Send all the fettling and tuning you can, but if you want it back, please enclose enough cash for the return carriage plus a large donation to the workshop fund, otherwise it will go to build up my dwindling metal stash.



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