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Complete Metalsmith
Complete Metalsmith
By Tim McCreight
copyright ©2004 spiral lay flat binding
Brynmorgen Press
ISBN# 1-929565-05-4
First off this book is loved by and hated by more people than any other book that covers the wide range of metal and related subjects.
It is touted and sold by more model supply shops on line and storefronts than any other. It is out in more editions than most from paperback version to student versions used in college classes most places as a reference if nothing else.
The detractors say that it doesn't have this or that, and it it to simple or you need a more detailed coverage of the subject matter. Lets take the different editions first.
When asked about which one to buy I tell people that they should get the largest one they can afford.
* The student edition is the one that has the least info covered in it.
* The one sold in hobby/craft stores has some more info on each subject
* The Pro edition is an enlarged edition with more info on each subject.
* The Pro Plus edition comes with a whole bunch of additional info
* It also comes with a number of software programs that you load on to the PDA's,pocket PC,Mac desktop,or PC desktops, palm Os
* It comes with:
o Converts units
o Cost of metal use the daily spot price to figure of the cost of material
o Casting Needs
o Drawing length
o Tubing Blanks
o Metal conversion
o Gold Alloying
o Equivalent Numbers
o Metal Properties
o Gem Properties
o Supplier Addresses
* The Pro Plus ed also comes with a copy of the book on CD
* A book called Design Language on CD
* A book called Practical jewelry rendering on CD
* video clips
The video clips on the disk are cross referenced to the book sections for ease of use.
If you have ever wondered about a catch or making a chain for a project whether it is yard size or jewelry size. This is the book that will give you enough information to get er done.
It will not teach you the finner points of jewelry making or any of the metals working operations but it is a very good general source of hand bench/shop reference.
It has a lot of colored drawings to supplement the written word. And the multi color ones are helpful in the chain and wire wrapping sections.
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There is also a VHS tape and DVD out on the complete metalsmith good but not as easily used as the bookSmile The video is good but that another post!
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