The Shop > Our Shop

KVOM's workshop in process

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Lookin' good there K.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
You need to be a bit careful around Bogs (John) when speaking of space for a shop. I have a few pieces missing from my butt (bum for the British crowd) where he bit me for mentioning how much space I have for a shop. You see our bath rooms are bigger than Bogs shop.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


The "problem" with space is that we find lots of things to fill it with.  Those with small spaces seem to be a lot better organized than I (or Bernd).  I have visited Cedge's shop, and he has more tool boxes in one garage than anything I've ever seen.

I did find that black 30-drawer parts cabinet under the workbench that I've made a start at using.  Right now it just has my random pieces of metal stock.

Looking good Kvrom, I would love to have a Monarch!

I picked up the new switch yesterday, and today I installed it, remounted the wheels and covers, and bolted the grinder to the pedestal.  It took about 15 minutes to dress the wheels back flat with a piece of carbide dressing stick, so now it's ready to do some work.

I still plan to replace one of the wheels with a 46-grit 8" wheel for roughing.


I'm wondering, are you planning on bolting that pedestal down? It looks to me like it would be a bit unstable if you pressed to hard when grinding.



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