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Just registered

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Since I don't have enough forums to read every day, two or three times each, I wanted to add this to the list.   :dremel:

It looks as if there are lots of topics not covered in the various model building forums, and I hope to enjoy learning here.

For those who don't know me from HMEM:

60 y/o retired software executive living in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, USA.  I have a newly built shop with a couple of machine tools, and I have been taking machining courses for the past year.  I built one model steam engine from bar stock, and am working on the second.

Welcome K,

Our paths have crossed before.

Just enjoy the read and join in or start something when you can.


Hey there Kvom!

Welcome to the collective  :borg:

We do things a little off kilter here. We try to hit a lot of different interests. I am sure that your learning is going at an accelerated pace... I have seen your stuff :)


Welcome aboard Kvom

You'll have fun her  :mmr: when your settled in looking forward to seeing some pics of your engines.



usn ret:
Welcome aboard Kvom,  Yes we are a strange collection of oddballs but we are mostly harmless.  :ddb: :ddb: It seems like you are on the way being an accomplished amature machinist.  While attending the machining classes just remember to pick the brains of the instructors.  There is also a section of skill levels here on this forum.  Yes I also check out other machining sites.  This site seems to  be less confrontational than some other I have visited.  Again, welcome aboard!!!!!! :D

Cliff :coffee:

If it isn't broken, you are not looking hard enough!! :thumbup:


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