The Shop > Metal Stuff

recutting threads, sort of?

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reel jon:
not being able to purchase left hand threaded bolts in the size i require i have been machining round bar down to the required size and threading it using a Die, this is labourious and not very accurate, i put a standard bolt in the chuck and ran the left hand die down it hey presto it worked (well enough for my needs)

Does anyone have any tips or thoughts to offer?. I am sure this is not an original thought i have had, is this common practise?

Hi Jon,

Moving threads about like that would definitely make a weakened end product, but if it suits your purpose, then why not.

An easily made die holder to fit into your tailstock should overcome all your problems. An hour or two spent knocking one up will be repaid many times over with good straight threads. All they consist of is a straight bar with a sleeve than fits nicely over the bar.

If you need any help, you only have to ask.


John Hill:
Not yet having experienced the undoubted delights of a die holder I have to ask is the die free to rotate with respect to the tail stock?



John Hill:
Gotcha!  :thumbup: I will make one as soon as I finish this cup of tea!


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