The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Another Workshop Time Waster: 3000 Gallon Masonry Cistern

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having made a plea to all to keep in touch....

How’s the water level going? Maybe use it to dowse a few hot headed politicians ? Ok staying off that subject but are you OK ?

regards and sorry been full on for months now so only just getting back in touch 😳


Hi Ian,

The rains finally did return a couple weeks ago and the ground is well saturated. We emptied the cistern for the winter, and are back drawing water from our spring. That's about a 1" hole in a rock ledge out of which comes very cold clear water. We had three days of unseasonably warm weather (20C), and it's predicted to rain for the next couple of days and then turn colder.

So everything is back to normal here..... at least re. water. Been sheltering mostly at home with the family these days, even though Vermont has had the lowest incidence of Covid-19 of all the US states. Ours are on the increase now, but still way below the numbers elsewhere in the country. People here took the epidemic seriously from the start and that's helped.

Difficult times.

Stay sane Steve !

Too many nuts out here as it is ....🤪

Too many nuts out here as it is

. . . oi . . . you talking about me . . .


No comment, here. I find getting back into machine projects gets my mind off the popular alternate realities. Temporarily, anyway!


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