The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

JCB 803 Saga

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Now the left hand servo control has two similar switches, and although the original buttons are 'sort of' still there, they are badly worn away - simple matter to make two more buttons awaiting the return of the machine.

Incidentally here also is a picture of the welly glue - it is remarkably good stuff - I was sceptical at first but a short tear in my working wellies has stood the test of the last year

John Rudd:
And they say necessity is the mother of invention..... :dremel:

Nice job Andrew... :thumbup:

Andrew you've invented the manual 3D printer!  :smart:


I use Stormsure and its brother, Aquasure, to repair my dry suit for diving. if you get the surface prep right and give it a good wipe with Cotol 240 before you apply it, it is near impossible to remove. mixed with fine sand it makes a good non-slip surface.

For quick waterproof fabric repairs, there is a flexible tape product called Tear-aid which is amazing stuff.

Andrew, your repair and problem solving skills are facinating to watch, thanks for documenting them.


--- Quote from: edward on June 10, 2015, 09:06:08 AM ---OT:

Andrew, your repair and problem solving skills are facinating to watch, thanks for documenting them.

--- End quote ---

Well thank you Edward. I come from an era when things were fixable, not throw away, and I've spent a professional career fixing complex systems for others, often against the odds and in quite critical situations. Failure to fix was never an option, and if you start from the premise that it's fixable you get in a mind set that helps hugely !!!


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