The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

JCB 803 Saga

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Despite being only 42 (!) I have inherited the same mindset from my (now sadly deceased) grandfather. I also inherited my little old Drummond lathe, manual shaper and drill and lots of tools from him.

It really upsets me to see what gets chucked away. Currently repairing an electric toy quadbike for my son that was chucked away by a neighbour. It needed a quids worth of nylon gears and a dab of araldite. Cost over £100 from the toyshop! Not quite the same as your JCB though!

Well I'm pleased to report that the second hand Orbiter rotary coupling is now fitted and (so far !) not leaking  :ddb:

Chap is now able to concentrate on finding one more hydraulic oil leak that may or may not be coming from a spool block in a very inaccessible position, under the floor but also under the seat assembly. If he can't find it I may have to pop over with my 'camera on a wire' - it's a 10mm diameter usb camera on a long cable intended for sewer inspections - all of about £10 on ebay !

... something like this (not exactly mine) :

I've got one of those, and have used it to check inside the PM pipe boiler I built. Quite handy.

Well I reckon we've found the hydraulic oil leak. It seems to be coming from between 'slices' of the valve block - hard to be absolutely certain as access is so difficult, but that's what looks to be happening. They clamp together with rods though the stack, with common oil feed and return down the centre, with 'o ring' seals between the slices. It is leaking even when no spool is operated so on the 'neutral' circuit.

Plan is to remove the block and try and prove the fault on the bench, then replace the O rings and try and 'unprove' it  :lol:

The machine that I sourced the Orbiter from has already had this spool block removed  :bang:  traced another one but it's been toasted in a fire, then finally found one in Southern Ireland for £700 plus VAT (£3000 new) so really want to avoid having to buy that one if possible  :bugeye:

Andrew, if it's between the "slices" and in the neutral position what else could it be but "O" rings? shouldn't need anew one unless there other surprises!

Regards, Matthew.


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