The Shop > Finishing
Stopping the dreaded rust!
I am very fortunate my son gets corrocell removed from new stock components at work.
Initially I used a slow cooker, but now I used an induction single hob from Aldi (£20).
This is ideal good temperature control plus you can make bespoke melting pots I.e a steel tube with a plate welded on the bottom to do long things like reamers
I worked for a while with a chap who made custom steel fireplaces and he showed me some stuff called (I think) superseal, or maybe supershield. He claimed that even though his old workshop had been flooded for some days once the waters receded all the stock was undamaged and showed me a picture of it. The only mark left on the steel was a dirt line at the level the water had reached. I believe it used to be sold by Arc Eurotrade, but they no longer appear to stock it. Its consistency is like paraffin with a reddy brown tinge. Parts can be dipped or brushed and once dried seem to be protected forever - well a few years that I can verify. I was lucky in that he gave me some which I use on everything I consider to need preserving.
Best Regards
Not so much a first line rust preventative but more a treatment,I have recently used a product called Aqua-Steel to treat steel beams before top coating with paint.
It is easy to apply,has a good wicking penetrative action and produces a great surface for subsequent coatings. .....OZ
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