I desperately want to steer well away from a knurled surface for the footrest.
John S, the red bit is an eccentric adjuster, necessary to prevent the brake lever from returning too high, which is a dead giveaway to the particular master cylinder I hope to use.
This pic is one of a range of rearsets that I admire from afar. This chap is clearly well school'd in the art of good design.
See how easy that footpeg is to make, but I want to achieve that scalloped underneath (which aids how I want to fit them) & machine a surface something like this . . .
Which to me, screams of a pineapple grenade. But it is too uniform, too easy. I want to do something like this but. . . . the only words I can find are "skew wiff". Distorted, non uniform.
On the basis that I have a CNC milling capability, the problem is the design & the vision needed to put that design down on paper.
I would like nothing more than to design a uniform pattern of pyramids that wrap around the top surface of my footpeg, then I need to distort that uniformity by a few degrees . . . . this is what I'm struggling with.