The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Model Engineering Season Winding down

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Well looks like warmer weather is finally arriving here in New York state. As the weather gets warmer and with the long and very cold winter we've had here I'm getting itchy to get outside and start on my projects that were put away for the cold weather.

One of the projects will be getting back to brick laying. The front yard of the house looks terrible. I'm hoping I can get this done this year.

And then I realy like fresh veggies, espeically tomatoes, green peppers, radishes, peas and green beans, so that means a garden.

Ofcourse the wife likes to get away from both the work place and house work so it'll be up to the 1000 Islands cottage for a majority of the weekends. Your looking out to the St. Lawrence River. The land in the background is Canada.

And of course I'm still waiting for the polyurethane to dry.

So with that in mind you'll be seeing a little less activity from me, unless we get a rainy spell, untill it starts to get colder with the coming fall.

For you good chaps below the southern equator that are awaiting the cooler climates, I'm hoping to see more activity from you.

So with that said I'll be slowing down a bit with my posts of projects. I'll probably have a whole new bunch dreamed up at the river camp by the time falls arrives. Not much to do when it pours up there but sleep and drink and eat and ........... oh this is a public forum isn't it. :wave:


I see, desserting us for your own enjoyment. Now that is what I call selfish.

You could have at least invited us all across to come and spend the summer with you.

I don't mind your free hospitality, and a few air fares wouldn't go amiss either. :lol:

Just enjoy yourself, no matter what you get up to.



There is always a standing open invetation to all my freinds that would like to come and stay for a while. We always have a good time. Probably the boat building  :proj: will hit while I'm up there.

Now as far as the air fare. Well I don't know if the CFO would go for that.  :lol:


P.S. and what I said above is not said in jest. We always welcome close freinds to share in our little paradise. We'd just be in trouble if every body showed up at once and nobody brought the  :beer:.


I hope you enjoy your renewed seasonal life...... Have a great summer!  :wave:

David D


You make it sound like I'm going away and not keeping track of you lot here on  :mmr: Somebodies got to help Eric keep you Britts in line.  :lol:

It'll only be for the weekends and instead of sitting at this computer every morning I'll be out mixing a bit of mortar to do some brick laying. That's all.

Don't want you guys thinking I've fallen of the edge of the earth all of a sudden. Posting of projects is what's going to slow down.

Thanks for the warm wishes of a great summer.



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