Home Base > Introductions

Hi Everyone

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Hi Sandy,

Always nice to have some one talented here. How can I say that? Simple. Anybody that can use basic tools to get things done has got talent.

So welcome to the  :borg: collective (as it's fondly come to be known).

From your intro I see that you could catch  :proj: very easy. Nothing here is  :offtopic: either, well, with in reason.  :)

And as you already know  :mmr:, so welcome aboard and like Eric said, lets see some pics if you have any.


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Hi Sandy :wave:

I'm a little late to the party (I've been lounging around all weekend!)

Looks like you've had a warm enough welcome.

Pic's of your work would be nice (In the right section of course!) if you have the facility?

Right, got 3 days worth of posts to view!!!

See you around the pages :)



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