"Not a qualified Safety Manager's finest moment".
But cancelled out by the finest hour of acknowledging the problem and doing something about it.
Don't worry, we've all been there, done that, got the blood-stained T-shirt (or nearly so).
In my newly graduated days we had a workshop with a Super 7 and a pillar-drill. One had a red button to start, the other a red button to stop (they were wired correctly as the stop buttons were proud of the box, and the start buttons recessed. The Guvnor had the idea that one was on the principle that starting the machine was a dangerous thing to do, so it was red for start, and the other was on the principle was that the big red stop button was because red represented danger when something unintended happened. It seemed daft to me even then because they were different and it caused confusion.
Your Myford looks very well cared for, I wish I had the space for one.