Yes I understand that the gun laws are tough there, but at least they are letting the police keep up with the bad guys. With the well equipped armed response units, or at least that's what it looks like on the TV shows we see here.
Then they probably wouldn't like my 12 gauge rigged for home defense or the Zombie Apocalypse or which ever comes first!

Wait a minute some times it hard to tell the difference!

This is Mabel

This is the biz end of Mabel, who says that those free Horrible Fright flashlights aren't good for anything. A 25mm scope mount on the rails and ya have duel headlights, and a green laser

For any that may be interested Mossberg 500 special purpose weapon, holds 7 3"shells,short barrel so they can mount it vertical in the car (police front seat between the driver and passenger). It does fling slugs very nicely. Tears the paper targets up so bad at the range, that I spray glue them to cardboard to get more use out of them. The indoor range I belong to only allows slugs to be used.