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A couple of small roundtoits today.

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While I am waiting for the electrician to return I figured I would get a few whatnots knocked off the list.

First I am starting to fine-tune my mill.  :proj: My extended Z axis rack will be here tomorrow. In the meantime I eliminated a BIG hunk of Z axis backlash:

I never understood why they put a u-joint on the fine feed get past the p**s-poor alignment of the rest of the system perhaps? Here's the solution:

When I change out the rack and replace the torsion spring with a counterweight I will shim the rack to get better engagement. By changing out the u-joint with a solid rod and peening the castleated clutch (I forgot to mention that) I got my backlash down from almost .070 to a much more acceptable .025.

And finally a rack for my R8 tooling, collets on the spinner endmill holders in the back:

Not huge projects but they were fun.

Hi Websterz

Interesting couple of modifications you've done there  :clap:

Have Fun


2 nice mods there Websterz!  :clap:

I too wondered about the coupling.......  :scratch:

Fortunately, mine is still unworn. Backlash is at around .020".

Must remember your mod, for later.....  :thumbup:

David D


I have the Grizzly version of that mill. I could never understand why they had the u-joint either. Kind of makes sense now that you mention it.

Nice little projects by the way.

Do you know if your lead screws are 16TPI or 20TPI? There's a mod to change them to 20 TPI from Micro Mark. Check out my website on the write up I did of the my mini-mill.


Nice. Those are 2 I have to do.



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