The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Sometimes you just gotta laugh..

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I have a bit of a confession to make.

When I used a mill drill like yours, I would only change the belt speed once in a blue moon. I used to just change the hand feed speed to get a good cut. It seemed to work for a great many years.

It is only now that I have power feeds and variable speed that I do anything about it.

Just lazy I suppose.


John Hill:
No argument Darren, a VFD would be 'nice'.  But spending the kilo-bux, or whatever, on other toys would be nice too.

He already has 9 speeds on his lathe, 18 if he changes the belt.  If he is like me and the primpary purpose of having the lathe is to enjoy using it then a 'nice' project would be to turn up a couple of pulleys.

[thinks] Hmmmmm,  there is a Triumph Herald gearbox under the house, I wonder if I could interpose that between the motor and the lathe?  That would be 36 spindle speeds, 45 if I use reverse.. :scratch:[/thinks]  That aint gonna happen... :coffee:

JB, or a very simple electrical circuit and he wants to know where in his country he can buy a 10K resistor!


Didn't you know that when the man with the most number of toys and the most expensive toys dies he wins.  :lol:



--- Quote from: John Hill on April 08, 2009, 06:55:02 PM --- and he wants to know where in his country he can buy a 10K resistor!

--- End quote ---

I see, hence your tone to this "other" thread, I'm with you.

9 speed lathe, ok he's just spoilt then..... :lol:

John Hill:
Yeah, he is real spoilt Darren, Bogs and I have the same lathe, 'cepting ours are metric feed screw! ::)

Bernd, you could be right.  I bet my Lego collection is bigger than his though! :lol:


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